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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Angol feladat

Nagyon szépen kérlek hogy segíts nekem, angol feladatban kellene, a tanárnőm feladta nyárra hogy dolgozzuk ki, év elejére pedig meg kell tanulni, de nem megy a kidolgozása, nagyon szépen megköszönném ha segítesz, és köszönöm hogy végigolvastad, további szép napot neked! ;))
UI.: Több részletbe rakom fel hogy neked is megérje :))
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Na igen, ez már egy picivel nehezebb úgy, hogy nem ismerlek se téged, se a környezeted, se a barátaid. Itt már tényleg csak példákat lehet írni, viszont ha valamelyikben kell segítség, akkor szólj!

26-27-30. Ezt a hármat mindenképp begyakorolnám, ha már tudnám melyik nap lesz a felelés.
- It's ...

- For breakfast, I prefer lighter things because I can't eat much in the morning, but I don't want to leave the house with an empty stomach. I usually eat yoghurt, an apple or things like that. I eat sandwiches at school, and after I get home, I have lunch, which usually contains tomato soup and cooked chicken with rice. For dinner, I eat some bread with cheese, toppings and vegetables.

- School starts at eight o'clock and finishes at three p.m.

- During the week I like reading and listening to music, and on the weekends I like hiking and going on longer trips.

- I never check them because I get notified every time something arrives, so it's unnecessary.

- I chat every day, usually with my friends, but I rarely chat with my family.

- Yes, I do. I need to because I can't do every homework on paper and on my phone.

- I don't download information, just search for it on the internet, but I download my favourite music every time, so I can listen to them everywhere.

- I never share too much information about myself, and I don't post and send any pictures I won't show to my parents.

- I find reading, listening to music and walking relaxing, but writing my feelings down, running, and cleaning are tiring.

- During the summer, I always had time to think about everything that happened to me, which helped to clear them, but now I feel I don't have enough time to do this.

- I enjoy that the world is big and transport is modern, so we can see the beautiful places in real, not just pictures.

- That everything has an end, and nothing can exist forever.

- I prefer comedies because they're funny, and everyone can enjoy them.

- I don't like reality shows because they act in most of them, and I see a written story, which is not realistic.

- I'd like to watch an action film I haven't seen before with special effects and good actors.

44. Ide a tankönyv harmincadik oldala alapján kell valamit írni, de nem tudom mi van ott.

- I'm good at Maths, I can calculate things easily.

- I never exercise at home, but we have five P.E. lessons a weak where we run a lot.

- I'm not a member, but it would be cool to join one if there's a good community.

- I prefer ... because that's the one I can do the best out of all.

- There's a park near us with benches and green grass, we usually go there with my friends. We love it because it's quiet, and we can talk about everything.

- I watch films/series and I'm chatting with my friends.

- My best friend is ... ..., but we call him/her .... He/She is 15, and he/she is around 160 centimetres. I wouldn't say he/she is slim or fat, I think he/she is normal. He/She has shorter brown hair, it's around his/her shoulder, and brown eyes. He doesn't have a moustache or a beard. She never wears earrings or a necklace.