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Nagyon Fontos angol lecke SOS segitsèg

Nagyon fontos angol házi nem akarom elcseszni segitsèg kènne
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Nagyon fontos lenne
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Nem tudom hogy elkéstem e de a válaszok:

1 feladat: a-roof, b-ceiling, c-downstairs, d-garden, e-fence, f-chimney, g-down stairs, h-garage, i-front door, j-gate

3 feladat: A 1-Where do you live? 2-Do you live in a flat or in a house? 3-Which floor is your flat on? 4-Who do you live with? 5-How many bedrooms are in your flat? 6-Have you got a room of your own? 7-What is your furniture in there? 8-Is there a computer? 9-Are there any plants? 10-How many books do you have?

B I: Do your parents have a car? I: Do you have a pet? I: What job do your parents have?

C ...The flat has 3 bedrooms. Jamie shares a room with his younger brother. In the room there are two beds, two desks with chair, two wardrobes and a bookshelf. There is a computer too which Jamie shares with her brother. They don't have plants because the plants die soon. Jamie and her brother have over a hundred books.

4 feladat: A 1-The pictures are from a house. 2-A boy or a girl. 3-Either their siblings or cousins. 4-Bedroom
5-Everyones 6-To put things on it.

B 1-From Botswana 2-Maipelo 3-His cousins 4-Bedroom 5-Maipelos, his oldest cousin and his youngest cousin's 6-To use it as a wardrobe