

  • betöltés...

Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Angol sos

A képen lévő mondatokat tegyétek át kérdésbe, ha pedig kérdés van akkor tegyétek át kijelentőbe!
Pld.: I'm visiting my parents. Ebből lesz: Are you visiting your parents?
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Szia! Csak azt kell, ami present Continuous-ban van, vagy az összeset?

(A létigéket kihagytad:
I am staying
They are working
I am sitting
I am looking
My mum is learning
She isn't enjoying
She is making
My dad is helping)

Szerintem nem mindet lehet, mint pl az elsőnél a "Szia, Frank."-nek magyarul sincs kérdő alakja, egy párnak meg nincs így értelme, de itt vannak.
(Az utána lévő szövegből van ez a része)
[Nem muszáj beletenni]
/Gyenge próbálkozás, de jobb lehetőséget nem találtam./

It is Tina. - Is it Tina?
It's good to hear from you. - Is it good to hear from you?
Where are you? - You are in (Bristol.)
I'm here in Bristol. - Are you [here] in Bristol?
I'm on holiday so I'm visiting my parents. - Are you on holiday, so you are visiting your parents?; Are you on holiday?; Are you visiting your parents?
I'm staying with them all this week. - Are you staying with them all this week?
They're retired. - Are they retired?
Right now they are working in the garden and I am sitting in the Sun. - Are they working in the garden and are you sitting in the Sun right now?; Are they working in the garden right now?; Are you sitting in the Sun right now?
/And you, Frank? - Me too./
What are you doing these days? - (I'm looking for a job [these days].)
What about your parents. How are they? - They are (fine).
My mum is learning to drive? - Is your mum learning to drive?
She isn't enjoying it much, because she is very nervous. - /Why isn't she enjoying it?/
At the moment she is making the dinner and my dad is helping her. - Is she making the dinner and is your dad helping her?; Is she making the dinner? Is your dad helping her?
It's great to speak to you, Frank. - Is it great to speak to you, Frank?
Can we meet? - We can meet.
Let's have dinner tonight. - Shall we have dinner tonight?