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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Valaki tud segíteni?

Mondatokat kell írni a képen látható emberekről (külsejükről)
Holnap estig kell leadnom
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Szia! Remélem így jó.

In this picture I can see a woman. She has brown eyes. Her red hair is longer in the middle, but she shaved it around it. She's wearing big earrings and she has a pierced nose. She's wearing a bkack scarf, and I think she's wearing a lot of make-up too.

On the second picture there's a woman. She has a short blonde hair and maybe brown eyes. She is wearing a white shirt and a black skirt, but she isn't wearing any jewels. She has (ami a kezében van, de nem látom jól. Ha te sem, akkor jó a something) in her hands.

In this picture there's a man, who is meditating on the carpet.* He has black hair, but I can't see his eyes' color, because they are closed. He's wearing a green shirt and grey trousers.

There's a man in a car. He has black hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a blue jumper. I think he had a car accident ar he's in a big traffic jam, because he looks so angry.

*Ha nyelvvizsgára kell, akkor itt mondhatod, hogy: We have a similar one at home. I love it so much, because it's so soft and warm.
Ha itt maradsz, akkor a szobáról fognak kérdezni. Ha ez nem megy, akkor: Unfortunately I can't feel it so much, because I have (handball) trainings every day after school.
I usually cook at the kitchen, so I don't usually feel it in my room. My favourite food to do is...
Úgy tereled, ahogy akarod, arra, amerre tudod mit mondj. Ha megállsz, rákérdez, szóval ott állj meg, amiről tudsz beszélni.