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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Angol fogalmazások - sürgős!

Az alábbi rövid gondolatsor alapján fejtse ki véleményét indoklással együtt, internetes hozzászólás formájában, 10-12 sorban az említett jelenséggel kapcsolatban!

1. It is highly recommended to speak at least one foreign language nowadays, and this language should preferably be English.
2. Most people are addicted to their mobile phones. We have to do something to change our own telephoning habits.
3. Studying English with a private tutor is much better than going to a language school and studying in a group.

A válaszokat előre is köszönöm!
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


1. I think if you speak English, it helps you a lot. You can visit other countries and talk with anyone all around the world. I think people who can speak English are those people who can have more important places in their lives

2.that's true, many people all arlund the world are addicted to their phones, I know, sometimes it's hard to put it down. Using our phones can be useful jf we are searching for an answer, but we can't consider it as a useful tool when we are on our phones non stop, especially when we are in the middle of a conversation.

3. This really depends on the person, if you like being more social then groups are the best for you, but if you don't really like being in crowd then you really should learn things with only one or a few other people