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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Angol-érettségi levélírás

Segítene valaki leellenőrizni, hogy ez így jó-e?
2014-es májusi érettségi. A feladat az volt, hogy egy bizonyos Marcus nevű fiú aggódik a zongora vizsgája miatt, és nem tud gyakorolni rá az előtte lévő nap, ezért nagyon ideges. Leginkább azon idegeli még magát, hogy mit vegyen fel. Elegánsan azért nem akar felöltözni, mert még aznap vonattal utazik, meg mászkál még valahol. 100-120 szavasnak kellene lennie. Kritériumok:

- tell him if you think clothes matter in an exam situation,
- give him advice about what to wear,
- tell him how you relax before exams.

Hi Marcus,
I am writing because I saw your post on the internet forum called Exam Worries. From my point of view it is really important to wear elegant clothes in situations like this, because the teachers can judge you by your clothing. First impression can even determine your score. I would say that you should have something graceful on, such as suit, tie as you mentioned and patent-leather shoes, not trainers. Let me give you some advice about relaxing before exams. I usually do not learn or practice the previous day, because I think that is unneccessary. I watch a movie or I hang out with friends the day before the exam. I hope I could help you.

Best wishes,
Ági Nagy
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Lenne itt még egy levél, amit írtam ez 2015-ös májusi érettségiből van. Itt ez a szituáció:

You are spending a year at the University of Greenwich, London. You decide to take driving
lessons so that you can drive in England. You have found the following advertisement on the
homepage of the university.
A hirdetés leírása nem fontos. 50-80 szavasnak kellene lennie. Kritériumok:
- explain why you would like to take lessons,
- tell him how much driving experience you have,
- ask him when the courses begin.
A levelem:
Dear Mr Gabaine,
I am writing regarding to your advertisement on the university's website. I feel an urge to take lessons because I can not drive on the left. I have a driving licence but I have difficulties in getting used to this driving style. Could you tell me any information about when the courses start? I would be grateful if you could help me.
Ági Nagy

Hi Marcus,
I am writing because I have seen your post on the internet forum called Exam Worries. From my point of view, it is really important to wear elegant clothes in situations like this because teachers may judge you by your clothing. The first impression may even determine your score. I would suggest you to wear something gracfeul. For example, a suit and tie as you mentioned and patent-leather shoes, not trainers (sneakers?). Let me give you some advice about relaxing before exams. Usually I do not learn or practice the previous day because I think, it is unneccessary. I watch a movie or hang out with friends the day before the exam. I hope, I could help you.

Best wishes,
Ági Nagy