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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Angol essay-kijavítás

The assured work area highly influence the labour's quality. Many people feel that the more comfortable is the environment the more efficient is the workforce and the more cheerful are the workers. The topic of how should an ideal workplace be often causes plenty of discussion.
  Firstly, at most of the companies employees sit all day long at the same desk in the same office. Nonetheless only a few companies does provide sports facilities for them. For this reason  certainly it is necessary a chair that is extremely comfortable and on which employees can easily comply with the rules of right posture. Similarly the assurance of natural light is indispensable. Moreover, whereas the cold colors are depressing, warm colors can be sources of motivation and have positive effects on workers.
 Another essential factor is the office's neatness. Scientiests have made plenty of researches and claimed that the workers with arranged desks had performed of higher quality than those who had had chaotic mess in the Office.
In my opinion, the easiest and most adequate solution is the aquirement of  enormous desks, where it is available space for everything. 
Taking all the arguments into account, I would say that the work area largely impacts the hired people's performance. If the companies beared in mind to create the convenient environment, employees would accomplish their tasks efficient and with pleasure. I wish all of the companies would put emphasis on conditions.
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Szia! :)

Itt a kijavított fogalmazás.
A javítások, amiket csináltam, a legtöbb esetben azért voltak, mert sejtettem, mit szerettél volna kifejezni, csak a szavak, amiket használtál, egy-két árnyalattal másabb jelentésűek voltak a megfelelőnél. Ahol eszembe jutott valami "angolosabban hangzó" kifejezés valami helyett, azt átírtam. Ha gondolod, írj egy privát üzenetet és el tudom magyarázni részletesebben, hol mit miért javítottam át. :)


A certain work environment highly influences the quality of work done. Many people feel that the more comfortable the environment, the more efficient the workforce and the more cheerful the workers. The question of what an ideal workplace should be like sparks up arguments often.
Firstly, at many companies employees sit all day long by the same desk in the same office. However, only few firms provide sports facilities for them. For this reason, chairs that are comfortable enough and which allow people to sit in the right posture are certainly necessary. Similarly, providing natural light is imperative. Moreover, whereas the cold colors are depressing, warm colors can be a source of motivation and have a positive effect on workers [when chosen for the color scheme of the interior].
Another essential factor is keeping the office neat. Scientists have proven time and again that workers who have well-arranged desks perform better than those who neglect their workspace and let it become messy.
In my opinion, the easiest and most adequate solution is acquiring large desks on which there is enough space for everything.
Taking all the arguments into account, I would say that the work environment has a great impact on the employees’ performance. If companies considered creating a pleasant environment, employees would accomplish their tasks efficiently and with pleasure. I wish all companies put emphasis on these conditions.