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Magántanár kereső

Ha szívesen korrepetálnál, hozd létre magántanár profilodat itt.
Ha diák vagy és korrepetálásra van szükséged, akkor regisztrálj be és írd meg itt, hogy milyen tantárgyban!

Segítséget kérnék! Angol

Segítséget szeretnék kérni ebben a feladatban. Köszönöm.

You are on a two-week holiday in the UK. You have found a very good and cheap second-hand bookshop in Rochester, and you want your English teacher’s advice about what books to get.

Write an email of 50-80 words to your English teacher, Mr. Hughes, in which you
• explain why you are writing to him,
• tell him what kinds of books you are interested in,
• ask his advice about what to buy.
Begin your email like this:

Dear Mr. Hughes,
Jelenleg 1 felhasználó nézi ezt a kérdést.
Középiskola / Idegen nyelv


Dear Mr. Hughes,
I am right now on a 2 week holiday in Rochester,UK and i found a very cool bookshop, wich is also cheap.
I know you like books too, so i will surely get some for you, but right now i'd like some advice on what should I buy.
I like the following genres:Sci-Fi, Thriller,Horror,Comedy.
I saw that you were reading these kinds of books, so I am sure you will have some on your mind.
Oh, and also reply to me the titles of the books you would like for me to get for you.